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Critical Thinking Handbook: K-3

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Title: Critical Thinking Handbook: K-3rd Grades
A Guide for Remodelling Lesson Plans in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science

Author: Richard W. Paul, A.J.A. Binker, Daniel Weil
Publisher: Foundation for Critical Thinking
Copyright: 1995
ISBN: 0-944583-05-9
Library of Congress number: 90-82938
Pages: 437 Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" x 1" Weight: 3 lbs.
Binding: Soft Cover


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Critical Thinking Handbook: K-3

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Critical Thinking Handbook: K-3

The four grade-level handbooks in this series can be used either as the basis for critical thinking staff development, or as an independent resource for teachers. Starting from standard lessons and standard practice, the teacher sees, in case after case, what the weaknesses are in standard lessons and how they can be remedied. A book from this series is an essential resource for any teacher serious about fostering the critical thinking of students.