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2006 Cambridge Academy (archived)

The Cambridge Academy on Critical Thinking


St. John's College - Cambridge University
United Kingdom

March 28 - April 1, 2006


The Cambridge Academy is designed to foster a substantive concept of critical thinking in instruction at all levels, to integrate critical thinking into the foundation of pre-collegiate and collegiate education.

The Center and Foundation for Critical Thinking have together hosted critical thinking academies and conferences for a quarter of a century. We will bring our first academy to the UK during the 2006 Easter Holiday. The Cambridge Academy on Critical Thinking is designed for collegiate and pre-collegiate educators, lead faculty, teachers and administrators.

All academy participants will room at St. John's College. Registration is limited to 50 participants. The fee for room, board, and registration will be approximately £780. This includes the following:
  • Academy registration fee
  • Overnight accommodations for four nights (arriving March 28, departing April 1)
  • Full English Breakfast (March 29-April 1)
  • Morning Coffee and Biscuits
  • St. John’’s Buffet Style Luncheon
  • Afternoon Tea and Small Pastries
  • Three Course Dinner with Coffee and Mints
Official registration will open on or before July 1, 2005. At that time, the session titles abstracts, and fees will be finalized, so that participants can make session selections and submit booking forms.

Registration is limited to 50 participants, and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis, you may place your name on the waiting list by emailing us at:
The Foundation for Critical Thinking
Phone: 707-878-9100
Fax: 707-878-9111