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Substantive Critical Thinking as Developed by the Foundation for Critical Thinking Proves Effective in Raising SAT and ACT Test Scores

Substantive Critical Thinking as Developed by the Foundation for Critical Thinking
Proves Effective in Raising SAT and ACT Test Scores
at West Side High School.

Staff Development
Program Utilizes Critical Thinking Instruction
o Improve Student Performance on ACT and SAT Tests, and in Critical Reading, Writing and Math

   I believe there is a strong correlation between both our ACT and our SAT scores and our critical thinking initiative.  Our ACT scores of 24.2 for 2004-05 and 2005-06 have been the highest in school history.  When you accompany these results with our demographic changes we feel that these changes are significant.  Our SAT Scores for 2003-04 were Critical Reading 613 (this is the highest verbal/Critical Reading in 40+ years) and 619 for math (second highest of all-time). Our SAT scores for 05-06 are Critical Reading 606 (third highest in history) and math 620 (tied for the highest all-time).  When I refer to our demographic changes I am specifically referring to an increase in our percentage of "Free and Reduced" lunch numbers (from 5% a few years ago to now over 20%).

    When you factor this with our test results and our participant rate (over 80%) you can see why we feel strongly about our critical thinking initiative.

Dr. John Crook
West Side High School Principal

Omaha, Nebraska —12/12/06

NCA Final Documentation Report

Files available for download  »
  • NCA_Final2.pdf

  • SchoolData1.doc

  • Scores 90 to 06.doc