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2008 SPRING Workshops and Seminars on Critical Thinking

Richard Linda and GeraldThe following workshops, academies and seminars are offered February 29 - March 2, 2008 at the Berkeley Doubletree Marina, Berkeley, California

Richard Paul's Teaching Design

Richard Paul is not only one of the leading theoreticians in Critical Thinking; he is also a distinguished teacher. Both his workshops and his classes are designed to foster intensive intellectual engagement of every student in every class. In this three-day workshop, you will learn how to design instruction in the Paulian manner. First, you will be taught by Richard Paul for six hours (just as any student in his class would be), during which Paul will make clear how he is making strategic teaching decisions each step along the way. Then he will help you design the first 10 class sessions of any given class you teach (in the manner he would teach it, were he you).
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Ethical Reasoning

Ethics is the study of decisions or behavior that benefits or harms persons and creatures. Human behavior can be either praised ethically (if someone acts to benefit the welfare of others) or criticized (when someone acts so as to harm others). Ethics is not to be confused with social convention, law, or religious beliefs. For any action to be unethical, it must deny another person or creature some inalienable right. Social convention and laws, as well as religious beliefs vary enormously along national and cultural lines. But ethical concepts and principles are universal. All educated persons, properly so called, are fundamentally ethical persons because they realize that ethical questions must be answered using ethical concepts and principles. 
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  • 07-054 academy fly_03lores.pdf


    Business Seminar on Critical Thinking
    The Art of Making Intelligent Decisions Using Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools

    Three-Day Seminar For Business Executives, Managers, Decision-Makers, Team Leaders
    Double Tree Hotel at the Berkeley Marina, Near UC Berkeley, CA

    The world gets more complex every day. There is only one way to cope – through command of your mind. Thinking more effectively gives you greater control over your life, helps you deal better with adversity, and, believe it or not, transform more of your dreams into reality. Effective thinking is no mystery. It consists of practical skills anyone can learn, practice and improve. Critical thinking offers those skills to anyone willing to do the work to acquire them.


    In this seminar you will learn how to take your thinking apart and assess it for quality.  You will discover universal standards by means of which you can assess virtually any thinking---and improve it.  You will learn how to practice applying the tools of critical thinking to every day decisions, as well as to monumental ones.


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    Academia sobre Formulando Preguntas Esenciales
    Con el Sr. Rush Cosgrove
    Taller de Tres Días
    Febrero 29 – Marzo 2, 2008
    - Hotel y Marina DoubleTree, Cerca de UC Berkeley, CA

    Acerca de nosotros…
    El Centro y Fundación para el Pensamiento Crítico han sido anfitriones conjuntamente de academias  y conferencias  sobre el pensamiento crítico durante más de un cuarto de siglo. Durante ese tiempo, hemos desempeñado un rol clave en definir, estructurar, evaluar, mejorar y avanzar en los principios y en las mejores prácticas del pensamiento crítico justo a través de la educación y en la sociedad. 

    Engineering Reasoning Workshop

    A Workshop for Engineering Faculty and Practitioners
    Engineering Reasoning Workshop - Spring 2008With Dr. Rob Niewoehner

    Two-Day Workshop - February 29 – March 1, 2008
    DoubleTree Hotel and Marina, Near UC Berkeley, CA

    “Critical Thinking” can be an educational buzz-phrase which we presume implicit in rigorous programs. Or, substantively expressed, critical thinking becomes a “system opening system,” a lever for both cracking open both new domains and intensifying insight into the web of connections that characterize engineering work. Generalizable critical thinking skills and dispositions should guide professional reasoning through complex engineering questions and issues, whether technological, commercial, environmental, ethical, or social. ...Read More

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