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Presenter Information


Dr. Richard Paul
 is a distinguished leader in the international critical thinking movement. He is Director of Research at the Center for Critical Thinking, the Chair of the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking, and author of over 200 articles and seven books on critical thinking. Dr. Paul has given hundreds of workshops on critical thinking and made a series of eight critical thinking video programs for PBS. His views on critical thinking have been canvassed in New York Times, Education Week, The Chronicle of Higher Education, American Teacher, Educational Leadership, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, and Reader's Digest.




Dr. Linda Elder
 is an educational psychologist and a prominent authority on critical thinking. She is President of the Foundation for Critical Thinking and Executive Director of the Center for Critical Thinking. Dr. Elder has taught psychology and critical thinking at the college level and has given presentations to more than 20,000 educators at all levels. She has coauthored four books and 20 thinker’s guides on critical thinking. Her views have been canvassed in the Times Higher Education, the Christian Science Monitor, and on National Public Radio.



Mr. Brian Barnes has taught Critical Thinking courses for seven years at the university level. He has earned grants from Hanover College, the James Randi Education Foundation, and the University of Louisville focused on developing critical thinking in student thought beyond the classroom to everyday life. He holds a masters degree in Philosophy and is a PhD candidate at the University of Louisville, which fosters the Paulian Approach to critical thinking across the curriculum.  Barnes has made critical thinking presentations for a wide variety of educational audiences, often presenting critical thinking through the lens of sustainable systems. With his teaching experience and deep connection to the logic of student thought, Barnes brings a wealth of knowledge to the presentation setting. Through his wit and enthusiasm, he engages the audience on a personal level.